Senin, 20 Januari 2014


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Sebuah cerita  penuh inspiratif dimana cerita ini memberikan motivasi kepada “kita” yang mungkin merasa ragu ketika akan  melakukan sesuatu. Kesempatan tidak akan datang dua kali dan kamu tidak akan pernah tahu sebelum kamu mencobanya. Dan utuk mencoba, diperlukan usaha agar yang terbaik yang akan kita dapatkan.
Akeela, seorang gadis 11 tahun yang bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama di selatan Los Angles. Ibunya bernama Tanya dan tiga saudaranya Kiana, Devon dan Terrence. Akeelah adalah adalah gadis yang sangat pandai di kelasnya dan salah satu  kelebihannya adalah ketika pelajaran mengeja ia tidak pernah melakukan kesalahan. Oleh karena itu gurunya Mr. Cross dan kepala sekolahnya Mr. Welch memintanya untuk mengikuti lomba mengeja yang rutin dia adakansetiap tahun sekali. Dan kali ini guru dan kepala sekolahnya menginginkan Akeelah untuk mengikuti kontes tersebut. Mungkin bagi sebagian besar siswa yang lain dipilih sebagai wakil sekolah untuk mengikuti kontes bergengsi adalah uatu kebanggan tapi tidak bagi Akeelah ia meras bahwa ia tidak akan bisa mengikuti kontes tersebut.  Apalgi ada teman yang selalu mengejeknya karena kepintarannya. Hal ini membuat akeelah semakin tidak yaakin dengan  berkenan terhadap lomba mengeja tersebut. Namun guru dan kepala sekolah Akeelah tetap memintanya untuk mengikuti seleksi.
Setelah selesai mengikuti seleksi yang ada disekolah, Akeelah menceritakan kepada ibu nya bahwa ia terpilih sebagai wakil sekolah yang akan mewakili sekolahnya untuk mengikuti lomba mengeja tahun ini.  Namun sepertinya ibunya terlalu cuek dan tidak terlalau memperdulikannya. Akeelah merasa tak ada gunanya ia melanjutkan perlombaan  ini, namun Kiana mencoba memberi semangat kepada Akeelah dan  memintanya untuk tetap melanjutkan kontes tersebut. Di sekolah Akeelah di kenalkan oleh seorang profesor bernama Dr. Joshua Larabee. Kemudian Akeelah memintanya untuk menjadi gurunya. Setelah terjadi sedikit perselisiha diantara keduanya, akhirnya  Dr. Joshua Larabee bersedia membantu Akeelah namun Dr. Larabee membuat kesepakatan dengan akeelah bahwa ia hanya akan membantu Akeelah sampai tahap seleksi selesai dan Akeelah menyetujui kesepakatan itu.

Seminggu lagi seleksi akan dilakukan, Akeelah mencoba mengatakan kepada ibunya bahwa ia akan mengikuti seleksi dan ia berharap bahwa ibunya akan memilih libur dan melihatnya. Namun ternyata ibunya tidak begitu menanggapinya. Hari yang dinantikan tiba. Akeelah mengikuti seleksi ditemani kakak dan gurunya Mr. Cross. Disini ia bertemu dengan Javier Mendes. Salah satu peserta dalam seleksi. Satu persatu peserta seleksi gugur. Kini hanya meninggalkan sebelas peserta untuk menuju sepuluh besar dan salah satunya adalah Akeelah. Ketika Akeelah mengeja kata "synecdoche" ia salah mengeja. Terpaksa Akeelah tidak bisa melanjutkan ke babak selanjutnya. Namun, ketika peserta terakhir mencoba mengeja kata Carmagnole, ibunya membantunya dengan menyebutkan huruf  “G”  dan hal ini di ketahui oleh Kiana. Kemudian ia membertahukan hal itu kepada juri dan akhirnya ia di disfikualisasi dari seleksi. Kemudian juri memberi kesempatan kepada Akeelah untuk mencobanya sekali lagi. Dan akhirnya akeelah berhasil masuk 10 besar dan akan mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya.
Setelah pertemuannya dengan Jaiver Mendes kini mereka semakin akrab. Jeiver juga mengundang Akeelah untuk bergabung di grup mengeja “Woodland Hills”. Disina Akeelah bertemu dengan Dylan Chu, juara kedua lomba mengeja tahun lalu. Ketika bertemu Akeelah Dylan memintanya untuk mengeja kata “xantosis” namun ketika Akeelah memulai dengan huruf “z” Dylan berkata bahwa ia membutuhkan seorang pelatih. Ketika Jeiver berulang tahun, ia mengundang Akeelah untu datang. Setibanya disana ia bertemu dengan Dylan. Dylan,Akeelah dan yang lainnya bermain scrabble dan kini hanya menyisahkan Dylan dan Akeelah. Namun di akhir permainan Dylan berhasil mengalahkan Akeelah yang hanya selisih dua poin. Ketika Akeelah masuk kedalam ruangan ia melihat seorang laki-laki paruh baya memarahi Dylan karena hampir dikalahlan oleh seorang gadis kulit hitam dalam permainan scrabble. Hal ini tentu menimbulkan tanda tanya besar dalam diri Akeelah.
Babak seleksi tahap kedua dimulai. Kini Akeelah harus pergi tanpa ibunya lagi. Akeelah duduk bersebelahan dengan Jeiver. Namun tiba-tiba ibu akeelah datang dan meminta Akeelah untuk dari panggung. Mr. Cross pun meminta izin kepada juri untuk membawa Akeelah menemui ibunya. Dan akhirnya juri memeberikan izin hanya 7 menit jika akeelah tidak kembali maka ia akan di diskualifikasi. Ibunya sangat marah kepada akeelah karena ia berani memasulkan tanda tangan ayahnya dan tidak memberitahunya bahwa selama 6 bulan dia diam-diam mengikuti kegiatan di “Woodland Hills”. Kini tiba giliran Jeiver untuk mengeja. Menyadari bahwa Akeelah belum kembali ia mencoba mengulur waktu dengan memperlambat langkah kakinya menuju microphon. Akeelah dan ibunya masih berada dalam perselisihan yang sengit. Dan akhirnya akeelah memutuskan bahwa selama tiga bulan dia harus membersihkan pekerjaan ruamah. Kemudian ibunya memeluknya dan membiarkan akeelah melanjutkan perlombaannya. Mengetahui bahwa Akeelah sudah kembali ke panggung, Jeiver segera mengeja kata yang dari tadi di tanyakan. Akeelah mengucapkan terimakasih kepadanya tentang apa yang telah lakukan untuknya.
Dan akhirnya Akeelah, Jeiver Dylan terpilih sebagai wakil lomba mengeja yang akan berlomba di wangshinton DC Amerika. Seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh Dr. Larabee bahwa ia hanya membantu Akeelah sampai disini. Ketika mendengar itu, Akeelah merasa kehilangan motivasi. Namun Dr. Larabee hanya memberinya sebuah bekal 5000 kata. Akeelah merasa bingung namun akhirnya ia mencoba menjadikan orang-orang disekelilingnya sebagai pelatih.

Akhirnya Akeelah pergi ke washington DC bersama keluarga dan tentu saja Dr. Larabee juga ikut bersamanya. Jeiver pun juga tak mau ketinggalan. Akhirnya perlombaan pun di mulai dan ketika giliran Akeelah untuk mengeja ia tersandung namun akhirnya ia bisa
mengingatnya dengan melakukan gerakkan lompat tal seperti yang di ajarkan oleh Dr. Larabee. Waktu semakin cepat berlalu hingga menyisahkan dua orang peserta yakni Akeelah dan Dylan. Kemudian juri memberikan waktu istirahat untuk mereka berdua. Akeelah mencoba memanfaatkan waktu istirahat itu untuk menenangkan diri. Ketika ia akan kembali ke panggung, ia melihat Dylan di marahi oleh orang itu lagi yah, papanya. Dia mengatakan bahwa jika kali kamu tidak bisa menjadi yang pertama maka selamanya kamu akan menjadi yang kedua. Mendengar ucapan ayah Dylan membuat akeelah merasa kasihan pada Dylon. Akhirnya ketika waktu dimulai lagi. Dan Akeelah mendapat giliran yang pertama. Akeelah mencoba membuang persaingan dengan Dylan. Ketika mendapat kata “xantosis” ia malah menyebut huruf pertama dengan huruf “z”. Sontak ini membuat Dylan terkejut. Kemudian ketika giliran Dylan yang megeja kata yang sama ia pun juga melakukan keselahan. Akhirnya mereka saling bertanya satu sama lain. Dan akhirnya Akeelah bisa menyelesaikannya dengan kata “kecantikan” begitu juga Dylan yang juga berhasil menyelesaikannya dengan kata “logorrhea”. Dan akhirnya Akeelah pun tidak harus mengalah demi melihat papa delon bisa bangga denganp utranya. Karena kini mereka menjadi sang juara

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014


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On Saturday, our language and literature faculty students went to Surabaya to attend an open house  Institute  Francis Indonesia ( IFI ). We went to Surabaya using two buses and two cars. Before go to IFI, I and my friend Syifa already planning what we would do there and prepare for what will be take. Start of Mokena, facial foam, spoon, tissues, wet wipes, cold drinks and some snacks. However, I and Syifa very surprised when I was sharing a seat with less Syifa one place, he was on the bus while I was in the car. Spontaneous we were screaming. Hahn ....... we separated, he said. Yes, eventually we had to head each vehicle. Shifa on the bus with dilla while I was in the car with Fahim.

Prior to the IFI, we popped into the national mosque of Al - Akbar Surabaya to
prayer dhuhur. Arriving there I did not see Syifa’s group bus. “Where is syifa ? " Before entering the mosque, I and my friends took a picture first. When entering the mosque I do not see syifa . “Where is she? " Even after the prayers, I took time to take pictures inside the mosque. Then I hurried to the car because the car immediately went to the IFI. Surabaya is a hot city, but fortunately the day was a little overcast so it can enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Surabaya.

Finally, we also arrive at the IFI and I also finally met with Shifa . I , Shifa Fahim and Dilla entry to the building . There we fill the list of attendees and we also get a bag, sticker, pe
n, and pin. Our first seminar on the bottom floor. The room is very cold , the chair is also unique. When the chair was not used, then the seat will fold itself. After a few minutes we waited, the performers was open and start the show. He explained about the French. About the culture, typical food, and the  more important is when the tutors provide information about scholarships in France and how to get it. And wow ! It was incredible. Education costs are very cheap there when compared with Indonesi .

Actually, after attending a seminar class I, syifa, Fahim and Dilla would like to see a French movie, but because the movie was finished we finally entered the French language introductory class. As usual we sat by side, I syifa, dilla and Fahim. Two teachers enter the room and then open the class by introducing themself to the French language. " Bonjour! " We also imitate. " Bonjour! " Means good morning. " " Je suis Indonesienne " meaning my Indonesian people but for women . If for men " Je suis Rodel . "  " Je viens de Jombang . " I'm from Jombang . We also follow what is pronounced by the tutor. Because earlier I had attended classes and syifa experiments in housekeeping unipdu so , we did not find it difficult. Suddenly, the tutor told us to come forward to put into practice what they teach. Then I stepped forward and syifa to practic . But before us, there are three advanced half brother. However, based on voting  syifa
and I was winning and we get pen, pin, and stickers not only them, syifa and I also get a voucher that can be exchanged with the typical food of French  " crab. "

After the introductory classes, I dilla and syifa see bazaar. Actually
syifa and I wanted to buy clothes  IFI but unfortunately they are very expensive. Suddenly I and syifa interested in some balloons that in place besides bazaar table. Then ask the guard syifa bazaar. " May ask for a balloon ? " Then the guard replied " sorry, the balloon just for children." " Then syifa replied " but, I was a kid. " Bazaar guard just smiled to us. Then we went to the library. The library is very neat. And of course as usual, we were looking for the right place to take pictures. Once satisfied to see the library and taking pictures, we went downstairs to exchange our vouchers . Emmhhhmm ..... yummy ! I and syifa  share our crab to our friends.

When finished redeeming the voucher, I
, syifa and dilla continue taking pictures. Wherever, the essential good. Suddenly when I 'm taking pictures and syifa, we see ais and Rosida have balloon . " Syifa look!, ais and Rosida have balloons, we had asked before, but she said sorry." " oh my god,  let's get to the top of the balloon as well ask. Finally Syifa and I went upstairs and asked  balloon. " may I ask this? " I said " you're so eager to balloon? " Said guard bazaar " yes, " " okay, you may take a balloon . " " Merci ! " " De rian . ! " Yeeaaaa ... I finally managed to get the balloon and syifa IFI . Then we also took a picture with our balloon . After that we went back to their cars because we would go back to Jombang .

Bottom of Form

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

IC, friends

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vittawa's friends
Humans are social creatures. As social beings, we certainly can not live alone without the others. From toddlers to adults, humans always need someone else in his or her life. And friends, to be someone who is very important in the life of a human being.

Like me, I was also having a friend. Syifaun nuza, is one of my closest friends in college. I think she's cute, not beautiful. She's cute, because she's a little short. He was very talkative, always comment on what he thought was strange. And one of his hobbies is a photograph. He has always existed and he was good at posing as a model.

In the past , when I was a child , I also have a close friend . She is Ayu, ike , and Fitri. Ayu is a shy girl but she was smart. As Ayu , ike was too shy. But Fitri, she is an active girl and her behavior as boys. She likes to wear shorts, short hair and wearing a hat. I like his style .

When I study at islamic senior high scool in a islamic boarding scool, I need friends too. Even there, I met new people. Having new friends , new hobbies, and new activities. I'm happy to get to know them. Islamic senior high school is a very beautiful time in my life. because they are, I have a wonderful history, there are sad, happy, love, anger, all together in a beautiful memories in my life .

Friendship is a beautiful thing. Because friends, we can smile. cry, angry, and others. As we get older, someone else will develop friendships. we are no longer only know one or two people but maybe three, four, or five. When we already have a close friend, we must be good at maintaining that relationship. A friendship requires honesty, openness, and suitability as a key. If we can not be honest, open and suited to our friend, the friendship will not last long. Sometimes, when a man and woman can become lovers as friends. Starting from a friendship then they feel fit and eventually they fall in love. But when it broke up, they already do not want to know each other again. And once started from a friendship they could fall in love . but there is no longer a couple.

So, if you feel have special friends keep it! Because we do not know what our fate later. Maybe one day we will need the help  of our friends. If we have the ex- girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, there is no such thing as a former friend.

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

writing, love is beatiful thing

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In my life , I do not believe in " love at first sight . But when I met with him , I have to admit that love at first sight does exist . Petronas twin towers malasya is where I met him , he made ​​me believe in love at first sight . when I tried to enjoy the atmosphere , suddenly I saw it . We intentionally did not even looked at each other . And that's when I felt that I was in love with him .

Brief meeting at petronas tower malasya not stop there , we get to know each other . And , day by day we are getting close . His presence in my life gives a new atmosphere in my life . No need to be left waiting for a long time , I had to convince my heart to him . He , who made ​​me believe in love at first sight .

On 14 february 2002, he invited me to a place . For some reason I was nervous , and scared . Afraid that what I expected ... ah , " no " I said. I have to be sure . I gathered up all my beliefs to listen to what she has to say . " I love you" . Oh god , I was dream ? I can not believe what I expected really happened . and , I was told the same thing , " I love you too " I smiled , and without say whatever he hugged me , " Thank God ! " This is the most beautiful of my life.

Before long we decided to get married . On  14 July 2002 we were married . " Very pretty , I never imagined that you would be as beautiful as this " . " Angel , from this moment you officially become mine . " He said . Most beautiful thing to happen again in my life . And I have always wished that we would always be together wi until whenever .

Two years after our marriage was born the little fairy Amabel . She is very beatiful like her mother . " Thank god , once again , you gave me the greatest thing in my life . My husband is a soldier . When Amabel 6 years old , he got the assignment to go to Palestine , because Palestine is experiencing a war with Israel . A few days after his trip to Palestine , I got word that he was killed in battle . I can not believe this , why is this happening ? I cried , but I also have to give him .. I know , every meeting there must be separation . But why so soon? And now , when I and Amabel miss him , we will go to his grave , that's where we both remember him .

Life is full of mystery . Not all things we can know about life , such as with whom we will marry , what we shall be later , and when we will died . However , if we enjoy the mystery , it's all going to be a beautiful story , although it was a painful thing.

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